
Regulierung des Umgangs mit Algorithmen stärkt Verbraucherschutz (Teil 2) (German language)

As already explained in the first part of the article (China insight 3/2022), regulations on the management of IT algorithms* have far-reaching implications for algorithm service providers, users and the balance between user autonomy and national security. The second part of this article describes the detailed guidance and limitations of the new regulation, which was passed on December 31, 2021, and its impact on businesses.

The full artcile you can find here: China Insight, Wirtschaftsmagazin, 04/2022, P.40-44. (German language)

Read more about Regulierung des Umgangs mit Algorithmen stärkt Verbraucherschutz (Teil 2) (German language)

Regulierung des Umgangs mit Algorithmen stärkt Verbraucherschutz (Teil 1) (German language)

Daniel Albrecht

China has enacted new regulations on the management of IT algorithms, which have far-reaching implications for algorithm service providers and users, as well as the balance between user autonomy and national security. the Internet Information Services Algorithm Recommendation Management Regulations (IISARM) aim to protect the privacy of citizens and ensure the extraterritorial data transfers. The first part of the article classifies the new regulations and their objectives.

The full artcile you can...

Read more about Regulierung des Umgangs mit Algorithmen stärkt Verbraucherschutz (Teil 1) (German language)

Die Internet Information Services Algorithm Recommendation Management (IISARM) Regulations in China, CRi 4/2022

"The IISARM regulations could have broad implications on algorithm service providers, users, and the balance between user autonomy and national security. The new IISARM regulations, like other privacy laws such as the EU GDPR and the German BDSG, are aimed to protect the privacy of those countries’ citizens and to safeguard extraterritorial data transfer. However, the IISARM regulations, in conjunction with the DSL and PIPL, could potentially go one step further since certain requested data must be approved by the Chinese government before it can be obtained in...

Read more about Die Internet Information Services Algorithm Recommendation Management (IISARM) Regulations in China, CRi 4/2022