
"Thailand Special" - World IP Forum 2022 / On the hunt for fakes in BKK (German language)

Under Trip nach Thailand nimmt Euch mit in die Welt der IP Industrie und zeigt Euch einen der größten Märkte für Fake Produkte in der Welt. Daneben könnt Ihr einen Eindruck gewinnen, wie schwer es ist, China (Beijing) zu verlassen.

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Read more about "Thailand Special" - World IP Forum 2022 / On the hunt for fakes in BKK (German language)

Legal situation with fake products - Which penalties threaten counterfeiters, interview i the Germen televison MDR

Starke in the news. The MDR reported in its broadcast "Umschau" on the situation of counterfeit products in Germany, in particular on the import of counterfeit products from China to Germany. The program was intended to give viewers an overview of the current situation and to demonstrate how and whether counterfeiters are being prosecuted in China. Due to friendly recomendation by the AHK North China, the show also interviewed Starke Managing Counsel Daniel Albrecht on this topic. As an IPR expert in China, he answered the questions asked about the current legal situation in China....

Read more about Legal situation with fake products - Which penalties threaten counterfeiters, interview i the Germen televison MDR