About us

Your boutique law advisory in China

About us

Why us

Starke (Beijing) Intellectual Property Co. Ltd. is an experienced and competent partner for Chinese and international IP and commercial law. Starke advises small and medium-sized enterprises, but also private individuals on corporate, commercial and labor law, as well as intellectual property rights.

We assist you to set up your company, to structure your company agreements, also with regards to tax components, develop, register and defense your trademarks and we are also finding solution of your labor disputes- our goal is to help you to be successful in China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and to continue your story of success.


A China-focused advisory firm, Starke operates in Beijing (China) and manages an extensive affiliate network providing service throughout China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

Starke combines local expertise with international know-how. The Starke team consists of a multicultural mix of experienced consultants. Our team is multilingual with diverse backgrounds. This combination of experience allows our staff to offer valuable insight and expertise. Combining years of international expertise with practical China experience and knowledge, we offer expert advice and support to both local and international clients.

We are committed to providing individually legal, IP and investment solutions for each of our clients.

Starke provides professional services throughout China, through its own office and affiliated companies.

Starke IP have been chosen as a winner of the 2018 International Advisory Experts Award “Corporate Law - Lawyer of the Year in China” and as “Civil Law Firm of the Year- China”, through the Lawyers Worldwide Awards Magazine in 2020.

Meet the team

Daniel Albrecht

Daniel Albrecht is a German attorney at law and Managing Counsel of Starke.

He is also member of the board of the German Chamber of Commerce in North China, Supervisory Board member to the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, external expert for the EU China IPR SME Helpdesk and arbitrator at the Qingdao Arbitration Commission, member of International Trade Committee of the European Communities Trademark Association (ECTA), member of the MARQUES Cyberspace Team,  member of the Expert Committee of the China-Germany Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Association and also member of the Expert Tank of the Guangdong-Hong Kong- Macao Greater Bay Area International IP Talent Port.

Daniel is a former Guest Professor for civil law at the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) in Beijing and former Guest Professor of the Global Campus of the Union of Western & Eastern Education (UWEE).

He published several articles about Chinese IPR and E-Commerce matters.

He specializes in Intellectual Property, corporate law, commercial law as well as labor law. He also assists his clients in drafting and negotiating complex contract documentations. Further on Daniel advises international businesses on the acquisition or sale of public and private companies. His clients comprise foreign and foreign-invested companies in different areas. Before joining Starke, Daniel practiced for a well-known law firm in China and the oldest foreign law firm in Japan, where he represented mostly German speaking companies in the field of corporate and IP law. His first professional encounter with China was in 2004 as a law clerk.

In his spare time, he is a committed Rotarian.

Chunmei Li

Chunmei Li is a specialist in IP, customer services and the import of commercial products. Her clients comprise local and foreign invested companies in different areas.

Before joining Starke, Chunmei worked for a well known Japanese import and trading company in Germany, where she handled German, Japanese and Chinese clients and for a Chinese automotive company as assistant of the board. She is a native Chinese and studied econimics at the University of Niigata (Japan). Chunmei speaks Chinese, English, Japanese and German.

Lei Tao

Lei Tao studied law, regional studies of China and Asian studies at the University of Cologne and the University of Bonn. She joined the team in August 2017. She advises clients in trademark-, patent- and design related cases. In addtion she is responsibe for the client communication and the office management. 


2024/06/17 LinkDownload
China Releases New Regulation on Cross-border Data Transfers

Daniel Albrecht, Computer Law Review International (CRi), 03/2024, P.79-84; publishing house Otto Schmidt

2023/04/28 Link
The Chinese Approach to Protecting User Rights Online Compared to the EU’s DSA

Daniel Albrecht, Computer Law Review International (CRi), 02/2023, P.49-55; publishing house Otto Schmidt

2023/03/23 LinkDownload
User rights further strengthened, platform operators are obliged to be more transparent

Daniel Albrecht,  (original titel:  Rechte von Nutzern weiter gestärkt, Betreiber von Plattformen sind zu mehr Transparenz verpflichtet), China Insight 1/2023,  Business magazine of the Sino-German Ecopark in Qingdao,  Page 32-36



2022/12/12 LinkDownload
Regulating of algorithms strengthens consumer protection (part 2)

Daniel Albrecht,  (original titel: Regulierung des Umgangs mit Algorithmen stärkt Verbraucherschutz (Teil 2)), China Insight 4/2022,  Business magazine of the Sino-German Ecopark in Qingdao,  Page 40-44

2022/09/05 Link
Regulating of algorithms strengthens consumer protection (part 1)

Daniel Albrecht,  (original titel: Regulierung des Umgangs mit Algorithmen stärkt Verbraucherschutz (Teil 1)), China Insight 3/2022,  Business magazine of the Sino-German Ecopark in Qingdao,  Page 34-38

2022/08/15 LinkDownload
The Internet Information Services Algorithm Recommendation Management (IISARM) Regulations in China

Daniel Albrecht, Computer Law Review International (CRi), 04/2022, P.97-103; publishing house Otto Schmidt

2022/02/15 Link
Chinese first Personal Information Protection Law in contrast to the European GDPR,

Daniel Albrecht, Computer Law Review International (CRi), 01/2022, P.1-5; publishing house Otto Schmidt

2021/12/30 LinkDownload
Rethinking network operators

Daniel Albrecht,  (original titel: Umdenken bei Netzbetreibern), China Insight 4/2021,  Business magazine of the Sino-German Ecopark in Qingdao,  Page 38-40



2021/10/15 LinkDownload
New Developments in Chinese Data Protection Law in Contrast to the European GDPR

Daniel Albrecht,  Computer Law Review International (CRi), 05/2021, P.142; publishing house Otto Schmidt

2020/02/27 Link
Measures on Security Assessment of Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Information

Daniel Albrecht, Your IP Insider, blog of the China and ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesks, co-funded by the European Commission, February 27, 2020

2019/12/16 LinkDownload
The 2019 Draft Measures on Security Assessment of Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Information

Daniel Albrecht, Computer Law Review International (CRi), 06/2019, P.189; publishing house Otto Schmidt 

2019/07/04 Download
Security in the network, a comparison between China, Europe and Germany

Daniel Albrecht,  (original titel: Sicherheit im Netz, ein Vergleich zwischen China, Europa und Deutschland), China Insight 2/2019,  Business magazine of the Sino-German Ecopark in Qingdao,  Page 40-43

2019/06/25 Link

Daniel Albrecht, Your IP Insider, blog of the China and ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesks, co-funded by the European Commission, June 24, 2019

2019/06/25 Link

Daniel Albrecht, Your IP Insider, blog of the China and ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesks, co-funded by the European Commission, June 24, 2019

2019/06/25 Link

Daniel Albrecht, Your IP Insider, blog of the China and ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesks, co-funded by the European Commission, June 24, 2019

2018/10/18 LinkDownload
China’s New E-Commerce Law

Daniel Albrecht, Computer Law Review International (CRi), 05/2018, P.163; publishing house Otto Schmidt 

2018/09/05 Download
Trademark protection at the European consumer goods industry

Daniel Albrecht, Frontiers of Intellectual Property 2018, Number. 4, Page 78-85, Beijing

2018/03/26 Link
Domain Name Registration and Protection in China

Daniel Albrecht, Your IP Insider, blog of the China and ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesks, co-funded by the European Commission, March 26, 2018

2018/01/31 LinkDownload
Chinese Cybersecurity Law Compared to EU-NIS- Directive and German IT-Security Act

Daniel Albrecht, Computer Law Review International (CRi), 01/2018, P.1; publishing house Otto Schmidt

2017/08/15 Link
China’s New Ecommerce Law

Daniel Albrecht, Your IP Insider, blog of the China and ASEAN IPR SME Helpdesks, co-funded by the European Commission, August 15, 2017

2017/05/31 LinkDownload
Legal Protection of Intellectual Property in China

Daniel Albrecht, Legal Protection of Intellectual Property in China; Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft (RIW 2017), issue 05, inset, Page 1-12

2017/03/31 LinkDownload
E-Commerce in China

E-Commerce in China – Facts and Law Regulations, Daniel Albrecht; Kommunikation und Recht, 3/2017, insert 1/2017, dfv media group, Frankfurt am Main

2017/01/31 LinkDownload
China’s New Ecommerce Law- What this will mean for Consumers, Operators and Provider

Daniel Albrecht, German Ticker 1/2017, the magazine of the German Chamber of Commerce in China

2017/01/31 LinkDownload
Digital DOs and DON’Ts – China’s e-commerce market restrictions for foreign SMEs

Daniel Albrecht, EURObiz 1/2017, magazine of the European Chamber of Commerce in China

2016/01/31 LinkDownload
Trademark Disputes with Squatters - Register your Brand in China

Daniel Albrecht, German Ticker 1/2016, the magazine of the German Chamber of Commerce in China

2015/09/30 LinkDownload
Exhibit A, How to protect your IPR during exhibitions

Daniel Albrecht, EURObiz September/2015, magazine of the European Chamber of Commerce in China

2013/01/31 Download
Japanese employment contract law changed

Daniel Albrecht and Yochimichi Makiyama, (original title: Arbeitsvertragsrecht geändert), Japan Contact 01/2013

2010/01/31 Link
Hand in hand ahead

Daniel Albrecht and Christina Werum-Wang, (original title: Hand in Hand voran), China Contact 11/2010


2022/06/08 LinkDownload
Mobile and social - shopping trends from China

Daniel Albrecht, (original topic: Mobil und Sozial - Shoppingtrends aus China), Das Magazin für den österreichischen Handel, Q2, 2022

2021/04/20 Link
E-Commerce in China - From a Legal Perspective with Daniel Albrecht

Wealth Without Borders Podcast interview, Apple Podcast, April 20, 2021

2020/06/01 LinkDownload
Daniel Albrecht about challenges of working in the Chinese playing field of law

China Flexpat Podcast, Apple Podcast  or Spotify, May 30, 2020 

2019/12/11 Link
Legal situation with fake products - Which penalties threaten counterfeiters

Daniel Albrecht, (original topic: Rechtslage bei Plagiaten - Welche Strafen drohen Fälschern), Umschau, German Televison MDR, December 11, 2019

2019/05/13 Link
Hörmann sues opponents for RMB 3 million in damages

Wei Yue, (orginal title: 称对方擅用“霍曼门业”等标识进行宣传推广,霍曼公司起诉索赔300万), China court news, May 7, 2019

2019/04/01 Link
Chinese New Investment Law and the impact for foreign companies

Daniel Albrecht, News, Taiwan EBC 24h live, March 31, 2019

2019/03/11 Link
Experts are skeptical about law that must protect tech companies against technology transfer

Daniel Albrecht, (orginal title: Experts zijn sceptisch over wet die techbedrijven moet beschermen tegen Chinese afpersing), Trouw, Netherlands, March 8, 2019

2018/04/03 LinkDownload
2018 Langfang Forum für intelligente Automobile

Daniel Albrecht, (orginal title: 中国(廊坊)智能汽车高峰论坛暨中德产业合作峰会举行), Hebei News, April 3, 2018

2017/08/10 Download
How Tyrolean companies protect themselves against brand misappropriation in China

Daniel Albrecht, (orginal title: So sichern sich Tiroler Betriebe gegen Markenklau in China ab), Tiroler Wirtschaft, August 10, 2017

2016/04/29 Link
China turns helpers into enemies

Daniel Albrecht in  Die Welt, (original title: China macht Helfer zu Feinden), Apirl 29, 2016

2016/04/28 Link
The new Chinese NGO Law

Daniel Albrecht, (original topic: Das neue Chinesische NGO Law), News, German Televison, April 28, 2016

2015/04/30 Link
Arms race of visa bureaucrats

Daniel Albrecht, (original title: Wettrüsten der Visumbürokraten), Die Welt,  April 30, 2015

2008/05/26 Download
New labor law puts pressure on the employer

Daniel Albrecht in DOWJONES NfA, (original title: Neues Arbeitsrecht belastet den Arbeitgeber), May 26, 2008

2008/04/18 Download
Borrowing becomes more difficult in China

Daniel Albrecht, (original title: Kreditaufnahme wird schwieriger), in DOWJONES NfA, April 18, 2008


2023/09/20 LinkDownload
The new Chinese anti-espionage law and possible effects on companies

Daniel Albrecht, (original title: Das neue chinesische Anti-Spionage Gesetz und mögliche Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen), Webinar,  Advantage Austria, Beijing,  September 20, 2023

2023/09/15 LinkDownload
Symposium on Intellectual Property related Developments & Challenges in China/Shenyang

Daniel Albrecht, Dr. Falk Lichtenstein (CMS), Dr. Constanze Wang (AHK Shanghai), Alex Liu (Bayer China), Jens Hildebrandt (AHK Beijing), Hendrik Barkeling (Consul General, the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Shenyang), Christoph-Severin Haase (Counsellor, the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Beijing), Symposium on Intellectual Property related Developments & Challenges, German Chamber of Commerce in North China and the German  General Consulat in Shenyang, September 14, 2023

2023/06/14 Link
Symposium on Intellectual Property related Developments & Challenges in China

Daniel Albrecht, Christoph Hezel (Taylor Wessing), Dr. Constanze Wang (AHK Shanghai), Alex Liu (Bayer China), Jens Hildebrandt (AHK Beijing), Hendrik Barkeling (German Embassy), Symposium on Intellectual Property related Developments & Challenges, German Chamber of Commerce in North China and the German Embassy in Beijing, June 13, 2023

2022/09/19 LinkDownload
The Use of TMS and Copyright by influencers

Daniel Albrecht, Allison Williams (Norton Rose Fulbright), Luca Valente (Tripl Protecion), Jezamine Fewins (Lewis Silkin LLP) and Prof. Mark Engelman (the Thomas Cromwell Group), World Intellectual Property Forum 2022, Bangkok,  Thailand, 10-12.10. 2022

2021/09/13 Link
Cross Border Data Transfer: Recent Developments in China

Daniel AlbrechtSteffen Zimmermann (DMA Competence Center Industrial Security), Ulf Grohmann (Director Product Management Automation, J.M. Voith SE & Co.KG), Digital Infrastructure in China, Part III: Cross Border Data Transfer, VDMA China (Der Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e. V. ), Webinar, September 13, 2021

2021/07/09 LinkDownload
China B2B Marketing, Digital Jungle Conference

Daniel Albrecht, Jonathan Schoo (German Chamber of Commerce North China), Jürgen Weber (CEO, WEBER.cloud), Na Cao (Digital Marketing Specialist, eviom), Stephan Ruthardt (Senior Strategic Business Development Manager, Tencent Cloud), Sven Spöde (Senior Consultant Digital Communication, OSK), Barbara Seidelmann (CEO, 5 Star Plus Retail Design),  Trademark registration & Trademark protection in China, Webinar, July 14, 2021

2021/05/26 LinkDownload
Symposium on Intellectual Property related Developments & Challenges in China

Daniel Albrecht, Simon Henke (BEITEN BURKHARDT), Dr. Florian Kessler (WZR Beijing), Jonathan Schoo (AHK Beijing), Alex Liu (Bayer China), Jens Hildebrandt (AHK Beijing), Hendrik Barkeling (German Embassy), Symposium on Intellectual Property related Developments & Challenges, German Chamber of Commerce in North China and the German Embassy in Beijing, June 9, 2021

2021/05/11 LinkDownload
Cybersecurity and Intellectual property in China

Daniel Albrecht a.o.,  6th International Conference “Protection of Intellectual Property Rights", St. Petersburg, Russia,  May 13-14, 2021

2021/04/27 LinkDownload
Challenges of non-traditional trademarks in China

Daniel Albrecht and Dr. Madeleine Martinek LL.M. LL.M. (China-EU School of Law), World Intellectual Property Forum 2021, Webinar,  May 3rd, 2021

2020/03/14 LinkDownload
Corona Virus infects labor law

Daniel Albrecht and Dr. Michael R. Fausel (Bluedex PartGmbB), (original title: Corona-Virus "infiziert" das Arbeitsrecht), Deutsches Institut für Rechtsabteilungen und Unternehmensjuristen (diruj), Webinar, Frankfurt am Main, March 13, 2020

2020/02/20 LinkDownload
E-Commerce in China

Daniel Albrecht, Enterprise Lithuania, Holiday Inn Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania, February 19, 2020

2020/02/14 LinkDownload
Update labour law 2020/Corona Virus and the impact on employment contracts

Daniel Albrecht and Dr. Michael R. Fausel (Bluedex PartGmbB), PraeMontis GmbH, Business Breakfast, Frankfurt am Main, February 13, 2020

2019/10/30 LinkDownload
Chinese Trademark Reform 2019

Daniel Albrecht a.o.,  4th International Conference “Protection of Intellectual Property Rights", Moscow, Russia, October 17-18, 2019

2019/10/05 LinkDownload
Effective action against IPR infringers, IP law reform 2019, National Strategy 2020 (CNIPA Regulation)

Daniel Albrecht, Till Pfeifer (lawyer at Schneiders & Behrendt), China IP impulse, Schneiders & Behrendt, Bochum, September 27, 2019

2019/06/19 LinkDownload
Everything fake? Product piracy in eCommerce

Daniel Albrecht a.o.,  (original title: Alles Fake? Produktpiraterie im eCommerce), eCOMMERCE DAY 2019, Austrian retail association, Vienna, June 12, 2019 

2019/04/19 LinkDownload
Career Opportunities for Foreigners in China

Daniel Albrecht, James LaLonnde (RTM Asia) and Yvonne Yu (Politech), UIBE International Career Fair Week,  UIBE’s International Alumni Association (IAA), Beijing, April 18, 2019

2019/01/22 LinkDownload
How to terminate an employee based on given wrongful information on the resume

Daniel Albrecht, Hsiao J. Chiu (Managing Partner of JP International Search Consultants) and Ying He (HR Manager, Dr. Schneider Automotive Parts), HR WORKSHOP: EFFECTIVE RECRUITING - SOURCING, ASSESSMENT TOOLS & BACKGROUND CHECKS, German Chamber of Commerce, Shenyang, January 17, 2019

2018/11/15 LinkDownload
Trademark Registration in the European Union

Daniel Albrecht, IPR Daily China, G 40 Asia-Pacific IPR Leaders Closed Door Sumit, Beijing, November 14, 2018

2018/11/09 LinkDownload
Trademark Registration in Austria and Germany

Daniel Albrecht a.o., Guangdong Intellectual Property Trade Expo 2018, Guangzhou, November 7, 2018 

2018/10/02 LinkDownload
Chinese E-Commerce Law

Daniel Albrecht, Elisabeth Köstinger (Austrian Federal Minister for Sustainability and Tourism), Handelsverband Vice President Frank Hensel, Gerhard Drexel (Spar), Markus Hengstschläger (MedUni Wien), Peter Michael Lingens, Peter Umundum (Austrian Post), Walter Trezek (CLS), Iris Thalbauer (WKO) a.o. , Tag des Handels 2018, Handelsverband Austria, Wien, September 27, 2018 

2018/06/19 LinkDownload
Managing IT Risks: Virtual Private Networks (VPN)

Daniel Albrecht and Thorsten Achenbach (CIO/Vice President IT at BMW Brilliance), German Chamber of Commerce, Beijing, June 19, 2018 

2018/06/01 LinkDownload
Cybersecurity Law In China

Speaker: Anson Chen (EY), Vincent Guo (EY); Panelists: Daniel Albrecht (Starke), Samuel Yang (AnJie Law Firm), Marco Gasparroni (Exprivia Group); German Chamber of Commerce in Beijing, co-organized with BenCham, EU SME center, SwissCham, Italy Chamber of Commerce and France Chine (CCI), May 31, 2018

2018/03/30 LinkDownload
Breaking the clichés of development zones

Daniel Albrecht a.o. , EU Sino Round table discussion, co-organized with BenCham, EU SME center and ICI – Beijing B&R, Hilton Beijing,  March 30, 2018

2018/01/18 LinkDownload
E-Commerce from a Legal Perspective

Daniel Albrecht and Robbert Gorris (Sovereign group), German Chamber of Commerce, Beijing, January 18, 2018

2017/12/11 LinkDownload
German-Chinese-Business Dialogue

Daniel Albrecht, Marco Mezger,  Achim Siegmann, Dr. Michael Fausel, (Deutsch-Chinesischer-Business Dialog), Bluedex, Tower 185, Frankfurt am Main, December 11, 2017

2017/11/18 LinkDownload
Legal issues for foreign companies into the Chinese E-commerce market

Daniel Albrecht, IPR Daily China IP Summit 2017, Beijing, November 18, 2017

2017/10/26 LinkDownload
The Art of E-commerce, Your way into China

Daniel Albrecht, David Wang (KingNature), Yoav Sadan (Up2china) and Robbert Görris (Sovereign group), SwissCham and IsCham, Beijing, October 26, 2017

2017/09/11 Download
Trademark Law in China and Germany

Daniel Albrecht, China-German-Industriepark Shenyang, September 11, 2017

2017/06/23 Link
Trademarks and E-Commerce in China

Daniel Albrecht and Dr. Martin Glatz (WKO Beijing), (original title: Trademarks and E-Commerce in China), Exporttag Tirol 17, WKO Innsbruck, June 23, 2017

2017/05/03 LinkDownload
Compliance for European Companies in China

Daniel Albrecht, Marco Vitali (RM Architects) and Gianluca Ghiara (Geapower), EU SME Working Group, GM Roundtable, European Chamber of Commerce, Beijing, May 3, 2017

2017/04/05 Link
Barriers to Entry the Chinese E-Commerce Market

Daniel Albrecht, Webinar, EU China SME Center, April 5, 2017

2017/03/29 Link
How to Protect your IPR at Chinese E-Commerce Market

 Daniel Albrecht, China IPR Help Desk, Webinar, March 29, 2017

2016/09/21 LinkDownload
Essentials in Chinese Employment Law for Managers

Daniel Albrecht and Kai Mussmann (Draexlmaier Automotive), Germany Chamber of Commerce Shenyang, Draxlmaier (Benxi) Automotive Electrics, Xiaoshi, September 21, 2016

Trademarks and Trade Secrets in China

Daniel Albrecht and Nina Trentmann (Wall Street Journal), (original title: Warenzeichen und Geschäftsgeheimnisse in China), London School of Economics, KAS Foundation, June 18, 2016

2016/04/15 LinkDownload
Trademark Law in China

Daniel Albrecht a.o., Managing Industrial Property Rights Globally, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, İstanbul Ticaret Odası Merkez Bina, Reşadiye Cad, April 15, 2016

2015/08/27 LinkDownload
NGOs meet Businesses

Daniel Albrecht, Marc-Philipp Häg (WEMPE), Yuwei Kan (Air Liquide Holding ), Lingzi Liu (Citi Bank ) and Clotilde Pallier (Netspring), European Chamber of Commerce China, CSR Forum, August 27, 2015 

2015/04/09 LinkDownload
Optimizing Your Company’s Internal Control

Daniel Albrecht and Dr. Michael Bormann (bdp group), German Chamber of Commerce Tianjin, Westin Hotel, April 9, 2015

International Arbitration

Daniel Albrecht, (original title: Internationale Schiedssprüche), Renmin University Beijing, October 24, 2014

Legal issues for China-experienced

Daniel Albrecht, (original title: Rechtsfragen für China-Erfahrene), Austrian Chamber of Commerce in China (WKO), Beijing, October 21, 2014
