corporate law

The revised Company Law of the PRC (German Language)

In this video you will learn everything about the new regulations of the revised Chinese corporate law and how you as an entrepreneur must react to them.

Topics include:

Capital raising Liability between sellers and buyers of a company Transfer of shares in a company Decision-making processes within the shareholders' meeting Legal representative Supervisor and Audit Committee General Manager Duties of board members and senior executives Controlling Shareholders

You can find everything you...

Read more about The revised Company Law of the PRC (German Language)

Compliance update China; Neue Schwellenwerte in Sachen Bestechung (German language)

Die Anpassung der Schwellenwerte in Sachen Bestechung und ähnlicher Vermögensstraftaten in China, gilt ab sofort und hat unmittelbare Auswirkung auf Manager und Unternehmer in China. Es lohnt sich daher einen Blick auf die Details zu werfen, um mögliche Straftaten zu vermeiden.

Unser Video zum Thema bösartige Managerhaftung in China findet Ihr hier:

Bitte folgt uns auf:


Read more about Compliance update China; Neue Schwellenwerte in Sachen Bestechung (German language)

China´s Corporate Social Credit System, part 1 (German language)

Angst vor "Black Listing" Eures Unternehmens in China? Oder befürchtet Ihr sonstige Konsequenzen für Euer Unternehmen nach einem schlechten Rating in China? Wie wird das Verhalten von Unternehmen genau überwacht? Im ersten Teil erfahrt Ihr, wie das "Social Credit Point System für Unternehmen" in China tatsächlich funktioniert.

Themen sind:

Was ist unter dem Begriff Corporate Social Credit System genau zu verstehen? Zeitrahmen für die vollumfängliche Implementierung Was ist das Ziel des CSCS? Marktzugangskontrolle durch das CSCS Wie funktioniert das System technisch?...
Read more about China´s Corporate Social Credit System, part 1 (German language)

NEW: “China Law and Business Guide, VERSION 2.0"

We are pleased to present you our new brochure “China law and business guide, Version 2.0"

The main objective of our guide is to provide you with an overview of the current situation of the Chinese economic and legal market. Against this background, we have re-listed and supplemented our successful guide for our clients.

We do not pretend to provide all the answers in the guide, but we believe our new handbook will guide you solve problems, like how to set up a company in China, how to deal with labour law disputes , how to stay with your company complient and how to design...

Read more about NEW: “China Law and Business Guide, VERSION 2.0"

Entering the Market of the PR China

Which legal form we chose for entering the Chinese market depends on a number of factors.

The first step is usually to engage a commercial agent or to set up a representative office. If a production company is being founded, a Joint Venture has been proven to be the most popular form in the past, as a well-networked Chinese partner can be of great advantage. Often there were difficulties with the two partners, particularly due to both having different objectives from the Joint Venture. Currently the most popular form is the WFOE - three quarters of all start-ups are performed as a...

Read more about Entering the Market of the PR China