Original Titel: The Chinese Approach to Protecting User Rights Online Compared to the EU’s DSA
Platform governance has been at the forefront of the tech andmedia world recently, given the rise in cyberbullying, hate speechand other harms online. The aim of the DSA and the PMIPCS isto create a uniform framework dealing with four issues–thehandling of illegal or potentiality harmful online content, the lia-bility of online intermediaries for third-party content, the protec-tion of users’fundamental rights online and the bridging of in-formation asymmetries between the online intermediaries andtheir users. This article compares relevant regulations of thePMIPCS with the DSA and reveals their limited commonground. In particular, the DSA links the level of requirements forthe providers of comment services to the size of the provider,while the requirements of the 16-Article Chinese regulations ap-ply irrespective of the provider’s size. In contrast to the Europeanregulations, where the focus is solely on consumer protection, es-sential state interests in controlling the formation of public opi-nion also play a role in the PMIPCS. In addition, the providersof comment functions in China have a much stronger controlfunction than is the case in Europe, which goes so far that it istantamount to a kind of self-censorship.
Den gesamten Artikel finden Sie hier : Computer Law Review International (CRi), 02/2023, P.49-55. ; Otto Schmidt (ausschließlich in Englisher Sprache)