China’s New E-Commerce Law, Article in Computer Law Review International

Daniel Albrecht

China is driving a boom in global e-Commerce retail sales, consequently, the issuing of the first fundamental law addressing e-Commerce in China on August 31, 2018, effective on January 1, 2019, is a clear evidence of the widespread awareness of the importance of this phenomenon. The new E-Commerce Law is a response to China’s growing use of e-Commerce in daily life, particularly via mobile platforms.

The aim of the comprehensive body of legislation is to improve regulation of the flourishing market and to reinforce punishments towards counterfeit and substandard items, in order to change the perception that China’s e-Commerce platforms are lax on enforcing IP laws and allowing fake merchandise to flood the marketplaces.

1. Definition of E-Commerce

The e-Commerce, as defined and regulated by the E-Commerce Law, refers to domestic “business activities that sell merchandise or provide services on information networks such as the internet”........


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Computer Law Review International, 05/2018, Page163; publishing house Otto Schmidt